I facilitate workshops and design development programmes for other Producers, students and young artists interested in producing or self-producing.
Recent clients include Wales Arts Health and Wellbeing Network, Theatre Royal Plymouth (Lab Company), Create Gloucestershire, Theatre Bristol, Creative Cardiff and Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. I ran the Producing strand of the inaugural Fio ARISE Programme for emerging Producers who are underrepresented in the Wales Arts scene.
Below are some of the workshops I run for groups or on a 1-1 basis.
I have two separate workshop strands that I can run, on zoom or in-person. The first is a guide to Producing, which can be delivered as separate sessions or condensed into one workshop. I am also really open to designing a bespoke session. Individual sessions include:
-What the heck even is a Producer? Freelance, Venue, Commercial
-Build up from Basics: Budgeting!
-Know your rights! Contracting artists and acquiring rights
-Bums on seats!? Marketing and PR
-Cash rules everything around me. Fundraising for the arts
-Producing at Festivals -
Many creatives have additional access needs - as artists and producers it is important that we can advocate for our own needs as well as create inclusive spaces for others. I have a diagnosis of ADHD and dyslexia and have developed a neurodiversity awareness workshop which is suitable for groups and workplaces.
I work with an Access Rider, a document that outlines my access needs to the people I work with. I offer 1hr group and 1-1 sessions for disabled and neurodiverse creatives who want to write their own.
I also run 1-1 sessions on how to apply for Access to Work funding from the Department of Work and Pensions. This has proved especially useful for new or soon-to-be graduates who may not be aware what support they are entitled to.
I run sessions for artists and organisations on Embracing the ‘F’ Word; using the idea of failure as a jumping off point for project planning and evaluation.
This is based on the evaluation methodology developed by an AHRC-funded research project, Failspace, which explored how the cultural sector can better recognise, acknowledge and learn from failure. The project was led by the brilliant Leila Jancovich (University of Leeds), with David Stevenson (Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh).
As a Failspace Champion, I share and disseminate the findings and tools from the research and have recently held sessions with staff and freelancers at Theatre Bristol, Creu Cymru and Knowle West Media Centre.